Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Signs

Throughout any relationship there are tell-tale signs of the future of said relationship. In most cases, these signs are bad! You know they're bad too, but what do you do? Usually it's one of two things: Ignore or Excuse. SMH. Us poor silly girls (guys too)! Why do we disregard blatant warnings in our relationships? When driving our minds have the ability to decipher signs on the road to keep us out of danger, but our hearts can't seem to do the same.

I was once told "I like you, but I think you like me more than I like you." So what did I do? I excused it. Duh! I kinda ignored it too and brushed it off like "Okay yea right," but eventually his lack of "like" became a problem for me. It was okay that he did not like me as much as I liked him, people move at their own pace. What wasn't okay is that I took that pertinent information and treated it as if it wasn't a big deal. Looking back, at the point that he revealed that information, it should have been a sign for me to take our relationship to friend zone and not try to make it work as something more. So much heartache can be avoided if you just listen!!!

The other night I had an interesting conversation with a male friend regarding his ex-girlfriend. He said he knew all along that it probably wasn't going to work out. He saw the red flags of her wild and irrational behavior, her lack of maturity, yet he stayed and eventually those same issues broke them up. Been there before?

Letting go is hard to do, especially when you like someone, but it's honestly just easier to obey the signs. For women, it is more difficult for us not to end up the casualty of a relationship gone sour, so for protection we're blessed with a very powerful tool: Intuition...USE IT! When you feel something is not right, it probably isn't. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. My personal issue is determining what is a real sign from a perceived sign. Sometimes we confuse "signs",  for just our own insecurity or fear, which is equally as dangerous.

I guess the point is to just nip it in the bud when you know you need to. Even if you wouldn't say it out loud or admit to your friends, there comes a time where on the inside you just know. A gut feeling they call it...go with that =)

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