Sunday, July 11, 2010

Season Finale: How To Know When It's Time

There comes a time when the show must end and you must begin a new season with a new supporting actor. Sometimes it's difficult to know just when that time is, especially once feelings are involved, so here's my top ten list of when I start to get the point.

1. He Brody's You!
Being Brody'd is basically getting played. The last episode of The Hills, Brody called Kristin his "little sister"...NOT COOL. When you have a strong feeling that you're being Brody'd, it pretty much goes downhill from there.

2. He says "I like you, but not as much as you like me"
Ding Ding Ding...RUN AWAAAAAAY

3. He refers to you or introduces you as a "homie" or "homegirl"...yea girl, you're just a friend or you're a secret

4. Majority of your conversation about him is through venting to your girlfriends

5. You're not happy

6. He ignores your calls or messages for days or weeks at a time...(there's not that much "busy" in the world. When he cares about you, taking a second out of his day for you is effortless)

7. Things never seem to grow

8. The situation often leaves you in tears (and for you non-emo girls, you're always mad at him, which btw anger IS an emotion, don't judge us "crybabies")

9. You're friends give you that "What the hell is wrong with you" face, or if they're good friends, they actually say it :)

10. The MOST important: You know without a shadow of a doubt, you deserve better!

*Disclaimer: Some season finales are an hour and some may take 2 hours. Endings are difficult. Don't beat yourself up if your last episode seems too full of commercial breaks, eventually you'll go off-air and a new season begins ;)

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said this better myself. We as women know when a so-called "relationship" isn't headed anywhere and often times can only blame ourselves for ignoring the beginning warning signs. This was an awesome read :-)
