Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Marking Your Territory: His Facebook Wall?

Ever leave earrings, tampons, a hair tie, (HELL...A THONG) at your man's place just in case another female visits, she will know you exist? This is what is called Marking Your Territory. In other words,  leaving subtle and sometimes even bold signs that you are the woman in a particular man's life. This act is a little questionable in my opinion, but I will not address any of that foolery today. Instead, this post is about the girls who abuse the hell out of a man's facebook wall...

Ok, we get it!!! He's your man! Ya'll are "talking!" You KNOW him! Point taken!" Is it really necessary to share private messages with all of his 1,200 friends? "Hey baby. So happy you came over last night. I can't wait to see you tonight. Love you." For real?!  Don't you have his phone number...his email!?

I just don't believe that it is a true sign of confidence nor comfort in your relationship, if you constantly feel the need to do things like that. If he makes you feel that insecure regarding your place in relation to other women, then why are you with him? One should feel especially foolish when his relationship status says that he is single!

I "just so happened" (purposely) to be on a friend's (ex) page, where I saw a girl who I have seen write on his wall before, leave one of her infamous, attention-seeking messages. I don't know the (true) relationship he and her share, but she writes on his wall like every other day. From just one glance, you see her face like 5 times! Like seriously, why are you doing this?! His relationship status is single. Her page is open and from my small investigation, he doesn't seem to respond much (at least not on her wall), so when does the madness end? SMH.

I admit, sometimes little Facebook messages can be cute when it is a surprise. You just so happen to wanna share a joke or write a smiley face or something. However, when it is daily, it screams desperate and an extreme lack of confidence in your relationship. If you don't actually have a serious relationship with this person you just look like a stalker.

But seriously, ya'll know I'm right. If you are guilty of marking your territory, especially through social networking, really think about why you do it and what that says about your relationship. More importantly, what does that behavior say about you?

PS: The fact that the guy is my ex doesn't matter. Mind ya business =)