Monday, April 26, 2010

Raise Your Hand If You're Sure!!!


Remember the Sure commercial? This commercial seemed to come on every five minutes as a kid, and was often a punchline in a funky underarms joke. While this is an extremely corny commerical, the command is so powerful. "Raise your hand if you're sure!" Not the confidence of whether you used deodorant this morning, but the confidence you have in your relationship, your decisions, and your desires. Are you really sure?

Between my own Whitley/Dwayne-ish situation and my friends constant and confusing "love" woes: We all seem to have our hands DOWN in the "Sure" department. He's on the fence. She's pulling away. He thinks he's still in love with his ex. She's having sex with her ex. He's not ready to settle down. Blah, blah, blah!!! My life is full of uncertainty and not just of my own: It's my friends that are the trouble makers!!! Jk ;)

Dating is all about taking risks and making decisions. While the process can be difficult, at some point, you have to raise your hand! How long can you go on being unsure, teetering the fence, flip-flopping (c. George Bush) on the issues? Honestly, once a firm decision is made, that's when things seem to just work out naturally. I think we (girls and guys) over-think way too much when it comes to our feelings. Everyone is trying to protect their heart and their pride, which is wise, but not very fulfilling. I do not want to get hurt: Period! At the same time, what am I going to do, not date because there is that looming possibility? How many times have you missed out on an opportunity because you didn't make up your mind in time? Maybe that was more of a guy question because they are the WORST when it comes to solid decision-making, but I digress.

Ask yourself: Do you really know what you want? Second, why do you feel that way? I try to remember to always ask myself those questions in any situation where I have to make a choice. I don't like being undecided, and it doesn't feel great when someone is undecided about me. Life is about living not over-thinking. Once you get past the thought-process, there's a whole world of unknown sureness that can be so rewarding!!!

I desperately need to cross over to the other side, the "Sure" side because being unsure is no fun!!! Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Love this post. And as someone who is still heartbroken from an "unsure" situation, I can say that I am now on the "sure" side. I am now undeniably sure that I want one thing, and that is to be happy. That simple. I want to be happy with life, happy with myself, and happy with the relationships I form (friendships and dating). Anyone who aims to compromise that happiness doesn't deserve to have me in their life (even though I love them so much).
